Monday, January 12, 2009

Stalling techniques at bedtime.

Isabella is the queen of stalling when it comes to bed-time. She is either thirsty, too cold, too hot, wants socks, doesn't want socks, needs new sippy, needs black teddy, brown teddy, curious George, or the pink hippo, needs the lite-brite on, close the closet door. My favorite of all time: take the scary Raggedy Ann, life size doll, out of the closet w/her "baby", Madeline.

But the winner of the most frequently used stalling technique: I need to go potty!!! This is by far the worst one and the most time consuming, especially in the winter when she is in feety pajamas.

Lately,she has been stalling with really sweet questions. I thought I'd share a few of the ones that melted my heart:

Isabella "Mommy, what color are butterflies eyes?"
Me "Um, black." Right?

Isabella "I wish I was a baby again."
Me "I'm sorry but Mommy can't do that for you."
Isabella, "Can you ask the police officer then? Or God?"
Me "I'll see what I can do."

Isabella has finally learned how to say her prayers at night. I used to say them for her and she would say Amen at the end. Now she can do the whole thing. However, at the end when we say "God Bless Mommy and Daddy, etc." she'll always add a few extra special people. Soemtimes it's Mickey Mouse, or her teacher, or the neighbor kid, but this time she added her Great Papa. We usually do just immediate family and then end with, "and everybody that I love" kind of summing it all up, but this time she said Great Papa and this is what followed:

Isabella "I miss my Great Papa" (he passed away in June '07).
Me "I know but Papa takes you to see him right?" (meaning his grave in SF)
Isabella "No silly, Great Papa moved to Heaven."

I could eat her sometimes.

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