Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I realize New Years Resolutions are supposed to take effect January 1st, but I couldn't decide on NYE what I wanted to work on this year... until today. Yes, there are 10 things, because chances are I will only follow through with 1 or 2. I'm OK with that though. It means that I've changed a little from 2008. Here they are in order of importance, #10, clearly being the least important:

10.Play fetch with the dog.

9.Take the dog to the dog park.

8.Take the dog for a walk.

7.Stop buying Isabella a toy EVERY TIME we go to the store.

6.Donate 80% of the toys filling ALL the closets and storage cabinets in garage.

5.Save money.

4.Stop being selfish with the laundry. Devin needs clean underwear too.

3.Make dinner for everyone, once a week.

2.Play with Isabella instead of finding chores to do while she plays.

1.Stop laying w/Isabella till she falls asleep. And STOP moving myself and my blankets, pillows, and snoogle into her room @ all hours of the night when she wakes up. She is four. She can sleep alone.

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