Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The pro's and con's of Devin's hunting...

Devin, his Dad, Dad's bff and his son go up to their duck club (condo's somewhere in the middle of marshy nowhere land) every Tuesday and Saturday night during the hunting season. This has been a tradition for about 5 years now. There are other guys up there with them and they eat a 3-5 course meal, drink some wine, and get up at the crack of dawn to hunt. I have mixed feelings.

-Devin gets to spend time with his Dad.
-Devin gets to spend time with his friend.
-Devin gets a night off of Brody.
-Devin is successful at the hunting and gets his limit each time.
-Devin is excited to bring home the ducks, pluck their feathers, clean them and get them ready to cook, in our garage.
If I have to have one that starts with me:
-I get to watch my DVR girly shows that Devin refuses to watch with me when he is home.
That's it.

These will all start with me:
-I miss Devin terribly on these two nights.
-I am all alone (Brody doesn't count) b/c Isabella is happens to be gone Tues/Sat.
-I have to make dinner for myself.
-I have to go swimming (well so far only once with TJ but big plans for more). It is cold because it is an outdoor pool and it's November. Not to mention, swimming is much harder than I remember and I felt like I had swimmers ear for a couple days after. This is all because I am trying to keep busy and pass the time.
-I am solely in charge of Brody. It's a big job taking toys, toilet paper, water bottles, pillows, the stupid kitchen towel (everyday!) out of his mouth. This up and down from the couch really prevents me from watching my shows. And That was my only pro, btw.
-I don't eat duck.

Here's a picture of Brody with the duck Devin brought home:

Are you grossed out? Devin would throw the duck and I swear if it wasn't dead already, it definitely would have been after what sounded like his neck breaking every time it hit the grass. Brody would run after it, pick it up by it's wing, and bring it back. Devin was so proud.

FYI: For those of you PETA members or for those of you not so extreme, but still find hunting cruel:
Devin pays lots of money each year for the ducks to live and reproduce. For every duck shot down, a new one is being born. I don't really know, but he did tell me once and I felt better about it.

1 comment:

Mrs. Lindsay Stark said...

Oooooh I would not like that either. When Daniel photographs weddings, I go insane! And hes home by midnight! Not a fan of the duck picture.